Rig #414 – Daylight Double
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Rig & Drawworks: 1982 Wilson 42, Single Drum, 4 Axle, Back-In Unit SN# 10478
Engines: Caterpillar 3406 (490HP) with Allison 5860 Transmission
Derrick:Wilson 96' / 180,000 Telescoping Derrick with Rod Basket Note: With 1 inch drill line the maximum hook load is 168,000 on 6 lines.
Brakes: 42" x 10" Forged Steel with Watersplash Cooling
Auxiliary Breaks: Parmac 202 Hydrotarder
Mud System: Gardner Denver PAH Triplex Pump with 4-1/2" Liners Powered by Detroit Series 60 Engine 200 Barrel Mud Tank with a 35 Barrel Slug Tank with Guns Standpipe and Rotary Hose Circulating Manifold
Traveling Equipment: McKissick 83A 100 Ton 3 Sheave Block 2-3/8” and 2-7/8” EUE Elevators for Standard Collared Tubing
Tubing Tongs: Foster Type 58-93R
Air Slips: Cavins Type C for 2-3/8”, 2-7/8” and 3-1/2”
BOP: Dreco - Double Hydraulic 7-1/16” 5000 psi
Lagniappe: Adjustable Working Platform TIW Type 2-7/8” 8rd Safety Valve Dog House/Parts House Fuel Tank 750 Gallons Base Beam 5’ x 40’ x 14”